Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Data Archive


The ATSIDA Protocols are guided by three overarching principles to assist best practice in managing the data archive.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and culture are respected.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are involved in decision making about research data managed in the data archive.

The rights and interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and researchers are respected.


Datasets are preserved in a secure and trusted data archive.

Strong reciprocal relationships are made with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities and collecting institutions.

Datasets deposited into ATSIDA are managed according to cultural protocols.

The moral rights of the original researcher will be maintained as per the intent of the Australian Copyright Act 1968. Specifically:

  • The right of attribution of authorship
  • The right against false attribution of authorship
  • The right of integrity of authorship


ATSIDA seeks to ensure the return of Indigenous knowledge that is documented in research projects.

ATSIDA will provide a facility to ensure ongoing and timely access to materials.

ATSIDA encourages and promotes use of its data archive to stimulate new research ventures and insights that benefit Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.