Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Data Archive

Area Health Survey, 1991: File pub

The 1991 EEO Survey is the first survey of the Area Health Services in New South Wales. The survey covers the major issues in the employment patterns and opportunities of workers in the NSW Area Health Service sector. The study was designed to provide representative information on the experiences, attitudes and perceptions of women, Aboriginal people, people of non-English speaking background, and people with physical disabilities employed in the NSW Area Health Service sector.

Topics investigated were employment details, income, promotion prospects, differential treatment of males and females, differential treatment of minority groups, training and development courses and own education. Language skills (proficiency in English, first language of parents) and details of any disabilities were also recorded. The questionnaire asked respondents about their experiences (if any) of discrimination in their current employment.

Background variables included respondent's age, sex, geographical location, birthplace and educational status.
Dataset ID: 
Principal Investigator: